Death, Devon and drabble - quick read

I’m a big fan of short fiction, and so I thought I’d try my hands at a drabble story. For those of you who are not familiar, a drabble is a short work of fiction of precisely one hundred words in length. My story, ‘I don’t believe in divorce’, is set on the Tamar bridge, which joins Devon and Cornwall, and deals with infidelity, loss of trust and how to get out of an unhappy marriage. I hope you enjoy it. And perhaps try and write your own drabble story.

I don’t believe in divorce

Sharon’s hands strangled the wheel, her knuckles white, as the car rumbled over the Tamar bridge. It had been another night of being humiliated. He told everyone. Barren.

She glanced at her husband, who, absorbed in his phone, didn’t notice and continued to swipe a solitary finger left and right.

The knot in her stomach twisted tighter. He was picking her replacement. He had been testing them out for months.

She gazed out at the dark abyss. ‘Till death do us part,’ she murmured, yanking the wheel left.

The tyres screeched, and confronted with the barrier, so did her husband.


Behind the screams with Mark Robinson


Born to Lose: Tales of Gigi collection now available to pre-order