Q&A responses featured by Black Spring Press

Back on 12 September, the Black Spring Press Group published the Q&A responses of the writers who had been shortlisted as part of the inaugural CrimeBits 100 competition, of which I am delighted to say I made the final five.

My responses and those of the other four finalists, including the winner Richard Burke can be viewed on the news pages of the Black Spring Press Group website.

If you want to read my three shortlisted entries, including ‘Skin of a cop’ which was shortlisted (and also adapted into a short story which is available online at Urban Pigs Press), then you can pick up Crimebits 100 from all good booksellers or direct from Black Spring Press.

As well as being the top 100 entrants, the book features a range of diverse and fiendish puzzles and is well worth checking out.


Flight of the shareholders - Micro fiction story


Pennies for the taking - Short story